序号 作者 论文标题 刊物名称 年/卷(期)/页码
1 谭红霞(1) 大跨度斜拉桥施工阶段主梁的立模标高研究 湖南大学学报自科版 //
2 李亚丹(1)(外校),刘忠(2),邓凤桥(3)(外校),陶静(4)(外校) 水平地震作用下单桩横向非线性动力响应的三维有限元数值模拟 中南公路工程 //
3 毛快(1)(外校),张俊彦(2) 聚苯乙烯泡沫(EPS)压缩蠕变实验研究 材料导报 /2007/468-470
4 谭红霞(1),陈政清(2)(外校) 水泥混凝土路面悬挑路肩设计构思 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) //
5 肖映雄(1),张平(2),舒适(3) Algebraic multigrid methods for elastic structures with highly discontinuous coefficients Math. Comput. Simul. 4/76/249-262
6 姜勇(1),张平(2),丁燕怀(3),许福(4) Preparation and Charaterization of Nano-TiO2 with High Photocatalysis Activity Proceedings of International Conference on Health Monitoring of Structure Material and Environment /2007/P1154-1160
7 丁燕怀(1),张平(2),姜勇(3),尹久仁(4),卢其斌(5),高德淑(6) Ti、F复合掺杂改进LiNi1/3Co1/3 Mn1/3O2正极材料的电化学性能 高等学校化学学报 10/28/1839–1841
8 罗文波(1),唐欣(2)(外校),赵荣国(3),谭江华(4)(外校),Yoshihiro_Tomita(5)(外校) Physical aging and creep behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate) Materials Science Forum //2041-2044
9 王智超(1),罗迎社(2)(外校),唐松花(3)(学生),余敏(4)(外校),李倩妹(5)(外校) Identification technology based on constitutive model database of geotechnical material Journal of Central South University of Technology /14/458-461
10 赵荣国(1),陈忠富(2)(外校) Research on vibration response of wedged-ring joint structure under random excitation Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Engineering Structural Integrity Assessment: En /2007/p429-432
11 罗文波(1),肖华明(2)(外校),吴国忠(3)(外校),Yoshihiro_Tomita(4)(外校) Effect of gamma irradiation on mechanical properties of PA6/PTFE blends Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics'07 (ATE /2007/
12 丁燕怀(1),张平(2),高德淑(3) 测定Li+扩散系数的几种电化学方法 电源技术 9/31/741-743
13 谭红霞(1),陈政清(2)(外校) 大跨度斜拉桥施工阶段主梁的立模标高研究 湖南大学学报(自然科学版) 8/34/
14 谭红霞(1),陈政清(2)(外校) 大跨度斜拉桥施工阶段主梁的立模标高研究 湖南大学学报自科版 N8/V34/
15 谭红霞(1),陈政清(2)(外校) 水泥混凝土路面悬挑路肩设计构思 武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版) //
16 刘正才(1),朱建军(2)(外校),肖本林(3)(外校),易重海(4)(外校),王怀玉(5) 甚大规模对称性数据的管理瓶颈与研究策略 华中农业大学学报(自然科学版) 4/26/
17 郭小刚(1),LIURen-huai(2)(外校),JINXing(3)(外校) nonliear analysis on constraint forces and space configuration of flexible pipe journal of central south university of technology 1/14/
18 罗文波(1),王初红(2),Toan_Vu-Khanh(3)(外校),Said_Jazouli(4)(外校) Time-stress equivalence: application to nonlinear creep of polypropylene Journal of Central South University of Technology /14/310-313
19 赵荣国(1) Novel measuring approach for damage of viscoelastic material (Part I): Constitutive model. Journal of Center South University of Technology //289-292
20 赵荣国(1) Novel measuring approach for damage of viscoelastic material (Part II): Experimental and numerical calculation Journal of Center South University of Technology //293-296.
21 张学兵(1),邓寿昌(2)(外校),覃银辉(3)(外校) Additional adsorbed water in recycled concrete Journal of Central South University of Technology /14/449-453
22 张学兵(1),邓寿昌(2)(外校),邓旭华(3),覃银辉(4)(外校) Experiment research on regression coefficients in recycled concrete Bolomey formula Journal of Central South University of Technology //314-317
23 张俊彦(1),傅衣铭(2)(外校),张平(3) Constitutive equation and anisotropy of open-cell nickle foams Journal of Central South University of Technology /14/297-300
24 张俊彦(1),傅衣铭(2)(外校),张平(3) Constitutive equation and anisotropy of open-cell nickel foams J of Central South University of Technology /14/297-300
25 KANGYing-an(1)(外校),张俊彦(2),TANJia-hua(3)(外校) Compressive behavior of aluminum foams at low and high strain rates .J of Central South University of Technology /14/301-3005